Archive for June 13th, 2008
Dear Jim, I want to be an aircraft pilot.

Long, long ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, before electronic games like Nintendo and XBox were invented, there was a kids game called Flightdeck. The aim was to land a plane on a small aircraft carrier deck using a joystick. Things have moved on a pace and most kids now have access to amazingly realistic games, but if you want to go one better, how about using real flight training simulators.

Ooh the real thing

Granadilla has an annual event, where you can try out some of these hi tech machines within sound of Reins Sofia airport. Next Saturday and Sunday June 21 and 22 from 10 am at the Casa Cultural in San Isidro, it’s your turn to play at being a pilot. This is the fourth annual event, if you go to the website you can see You Tube footage of previous events. Apparently to add to the realistic feeling of being at an airport, they take your bags off you as you arrive and then lose them, and they sell you a dribble of coca cola for 4 euros.

I shall pop along and see what it’s like, not being into computer games, I’m sure I will manage to either crash the planes or black out the entire south of Tenerife for a few days. Hmm I wonder if they will have cyber stewardess’s doing other simulations – smiling and serving tea is what I was thinking of course.