Archive for the 'Walking' Category
Volcanic Peaks And Pool Hopping On Amarilla Coast

Chains of volcanic activity link Costa del Silencio to the modern golf course and marina in Amarilla, but in between, there´s a feast of challenges for walkers, swimmers, and rock climbers. Cresting the first gentle rise of an ancient eruption, it was good to see well signed walking choices close to the gentle lapping of the waves. Meandering around the edge of the calm sea, we soon spotted small rock pools, low stone walls, and wild bushes sprouting close to the water.

It´s a walk of many contrasts, small tourist trip boats passed slowly, just out to sea, and a few cyclists pumped their muscles on the undulating tracks. Low stone walls provided changes of tempo, whilst the prickly plants deserved some respect. The sea is the overwhelming star of the walk, , Pools (charcos) of trapped water were tempting several walkers to take a cooling dip, as the trail edged nearer the neat golf course. It was good to see that recent facelifts to the marina provided wooden seating areas, as the distant shape of Montaña Roja (red mountain) loomed large on the horizon.

For the return journey, there were other choices of which track to follow. The walk attracts a diverse range of devotees, a sports cyclist was getting hot under his lycra as a wheel hit a wobble. For walkers, a dip towards the shore line provides a challenging finish. The yellow mountain has been eroded and sculpted by the sea and waves, leaving a short but tricky descent over the polished rock surfaces. There was a mix of ages negotiating the final stage, I slithered down with the grace of a buffalo but emerged dry and in awe of natures handywork. There is another path just above the rocks, that brings walkers back to the starting point.

At a leisurely pace, it took us three hours, including a break at the marina, and brought us back to our starting pòint.

Every Shade Of Green On Erjos Walk

Picking a path between the high alert summer warnings, and the slow aproach of autumn, I was blessed with a multiple shades of green, and even leaves with a distinct salmon tinge. Erjos on the north west of Tenerife offeres two 11 km strolls. on my latest visit I plumped for the upward path, easy to pick up now as two large new aerials stand out on the high ridge. Starting down at the small plaza, the Tourist Information hut by the old threshing machine was closed up but was adorned with plenty of multi language background information on the wider area. After avoiding the scorching heat of high summer, it was great to back to treading familiar paths on the Monte del Aqua trail.

The almost tunnel vision of the walk opens up at various points to show the green valley below, diversity makes this such a popular route but on this visit there were only a few other walkers around. That doesn´t mean that nothing changes, the seasons adds little tweaks to the landscape, and nature often beckons for a second look at the patterns of the ferns and bushes. The first section of the stroll is fairly even and shaded, but stout shoes will get their chance to prove their worth later.

Some of the buds, berries, and seeds were starting to make me peckish – but that´s a temptation that should be avoided, bring your own nibbles, and take away any wrapping. There´s plenty of resting spots, and the route signs are well maintained. The main trunk of the journey is fairly flat, but with a mountain and ravine involved, you know there will be more testing times at some point. After curling gently, there´s a tight, narrow drop at a main junction, don´t doubt the downward arrow.

The alternative route towards the Los Silos coast delves deep and narrow from Erjos before rising near the final stages, and that side of the ravine contains ancient caves that people used to dwell in. From my steeper begining, I now began to follow more exposed tracks with fine views across to the cave entrances. Los Silos was visible in the sunny distance, ut both routes squeeze the walker into a quicker pace over big angular rocks – probably the most testing part of the Erjos expanse.

Rewarding? You bet it is, and informative as the remains of two ancient barns underline the importance of farming in the history of this land. The run off concrete finish to reach the main road is yet another variation and tests the legs once more. The TITSA bus service has a stop at the entrance/exit of the walk for a 20 minute run up into Icod de Los Vinos, where a good selection of routes await.


Abades Perfects The Art Of Surprise

How do you trump the forlorn concrete shells of a leper colony that was sidelined by a cure ? Abades on Tenerife´s east coast always has other rare finds to enjoy, and lived up to its reputation on a cloudy day of short showers. The natural beach had attracted plenty of divers and snorkellers but our walking muscles were heading along the coast to Arico and the Punta de Abona lighthouse. Looking inland to the TF 1 motorway I got a better view of the new purple paint job on the power pipes that skirt the road. Just a simple idea but it must make it easier to trace any breaks or problems with drones, and a nice contrast to the white wind turbines.

A mini library made of recycled wood destracted me from the worn track as extreme cyclists hopped over the rocks leading down to the sea. Up ahead more creations made use of tiles, ropes, and toys. The artist behind these quirky additions spared some time to explain her philosophy of breathing new life into old discarded items. The natural erosion of some rock forms blended in with the more modern arrivals on the shore. Even the sea seemed to be joining in the challenge, large swirls of sea weed were swarming and mutating as they rode on the breaking waves.

Taking a lower path that skimmed the sea edge opened new views inland, the beach had always been popular on previous visits, but caution should be your guide as it can show the other side of its character at a moments notice. Punta de Abona had been suggested as a sight for a new hotel a few years ago, thankfully that plan hit the rocks, ensuring more sea bound views and a choice of tracks to head a little inland before sweeping back to the main Abades beach via the colony buildings. Despite security patrols, the lure of the old structures showed signs of new curiosity and new graffiti.

Back at the beach plaza of Abades, the few cafes there were proving popular as the sun made a stronger claim for control of the weather. From the motorway, Abades looks unchanging but there´s always something new to see. It´s a good place to enjoy nature at a relaxed and creative pace. A couple of days after this walk, the east coast of Tenerife from Candelaria down through Arico to Guimar was hit by sporadic 4 metre high waves, with some people being evacuated temporarily. A timely reminder of the delicate balance between the elements.


Going Nuts For The Tenerife Almond Blossom

Bursting with colour, and complimented with tasty tapas, the annual almendras en flor (almonds in flower) walk from Santiago del Teide to Arguayo, is weaving its spell again and showing that the Santa Cruz Carnaval in Tenerife´s capital city is not the only must see attraction of the spring.

The official programme covers 29 January to 2 March but there´s a big overlapping season of buds, new growth, and bough straining almonds waiting to be harvested. On my latest pilgramage, the mid week procession of visitors allowed plenty of free space for those ooh and aah moments at the turn of each track and the cresting of each hill. This year 19 bars and restaurants in the main street of Santiago del Teide were serving almond influenced snacks and meals, I just had time for a tasty almond tart with my coffee (hot chocolate is another drink option) at Bar Soto, opposite the tourist information office, and the striking white church.

Lower down at the southern entrance to Santiago del Teide, long term traffic works had left the Fuente de La Viren short walk up to a small religious shrine, isolated, but the blossom created a respectful arch over the old walkway. Pink and white banners fluttered along the main street of the town, and there was a healthy selection of walkers congregating at various food and drink outlets. The relative chill of the morning complemented the clear blue sky and the joy of dipping into natures treasure trove of colours and textures.

The sheer scale of the blossom is a wonder to behold, at their peak, they look enchanting but the young buds are always jostling for their upcoming time on the centre stage. On this visit there was a good balance of the fully grown and those waiting in the wings. Organised groups and tours are available during the main stretch of the season, see , or you can go alone, just take the usual precautions of good clothing and stout shoes. At the full stretch, it´s a good four hours from start to finish. The top end of the walk in Arguayo includes a tricky, steep, walk down over small shifting granules of rock, and the 461 Titsa bus back down to Santiago del Teide is not always reliable – cue a steep main road walk upwards before dipping down in a tight spiral to the main road into Santiago del Teide. There are a couple of bars in Arguayo and they can whistle up a taxi for you – otherwise it´s an extra chunk of walking, back down to the south entrance of Santiago.


In between the two extremes of the walk, there are many easier choices to be made, you can retrace your steps back to the church square, take a signed detour to Chinyero, the site of the 1909 earhquake, or crunch your way along the spine of the now solid lava flow. Don´t forget that up in Santiago del Teide it´s usually a lot cooler than the coastal regions, so come prepared. Even when the blossom has melted away, it´s a good walk in any season – allow a good four hours for a leisurely pace and snack stops.


Taucho And La Quinta Swirl High Above Adeje

Fine mist, whispy low clouds, and paths that stretch out like tentacles. There was plenty to admire as paragliders peppered the sky on their way down to the south coast of Adeje in Tenerife.

Choices abounded in this part of the island as many small groups of walkers followed the thin water pipes that nestled beside the chunky stone pathways. From the south coast of Tenerife via an upward road beyond Los Menores widened the horizons for small groups of walkers as we started our exploring from the church in La Quinta.

There were plenty of other small groups up ahead following the thin water pipes that nestled beside chunky stone pathways. It´s possible to do a mammoth nine hour walk up from an entrance next to the pay to walk Barranco del Invierno in Adeje town, circling high in the hills before veering back down to Ifonche and the old town again. Having recently done a big stomp up the lower reaches, we headed through the well worn route that headed in the direction of the launch spots for the flyers.

A gentle breeze enhanced the feel of solitude and tradition as lush green ferns and dominant pines spread to the horizon. The early buds of almond blossom hinted at a vast white and pink explosion to come in February. It was quite testing on the feet but there were interesting diversions like the bee keeping hives, and some bold advice for walkers not to answer their most basic calls out in the wild.

As the path reared upward, sheer drops revealed more of the coast and an even bigger gathering of gliders. It was a busy intersection as walkers of many nationalities sussed out their chosen headings. Sadly a few days after this walk, it was reported that an elderly glider pilot crashed and had to be rescued by the emergency services and flown to hospital.

The landscape was ever changing as old farm houses and dwellings gave way to more modern updates, crops changed with the seasons, and weather. Many paths converged close to each other at certain points but there were plenty of signs and worn paths to steer people in their chosen direction. There were a few sprinklings of rain on this outing, a reminder of how quickly conditions can change. It´s definately an area that calls you back to try some of the other trails that spin off from the main route.


Hidden Skills Of Araya, High Above Candelaria

Below us, a basilica worshipped by thousands, alongside us, a barranco that skirted the basement of Guimar valley, and around us, inspired intrusions of modern living. Araya was welcoming and a great choice starting with a steep uphill drive from the motorway. With such a choice of walks radiating from Araya we hit the trail heading up from Araya plaza and its small church, boasting an outside post box set up for requests to the Three Kings for the Reyes celebrations.

Los Brezos seemed as a good a choice as any for a heading. It was steep from the start but the locals took it in good cheer so that seemed a wise mode to adopt. This was another walking hot spot that I hadn´t visited for many years, and it looked wonderful.

Ingenious use had been made of old baths, and the creative twirls on the edge of a patio would have made my old metalwork teacher forgive me for my pitiful efforts. A wine press hinted at liquid rewards for the earlier pioneers.

Further up the trail, the views offered several choices of direction but a circular sweep seemed the best plan as the route headed upwards. The barranco (ravine) below had the remains of old cave houses hewn into the sides. On a hot sunny day like this it had its big plus points but the bad season rains must have been testing to say the least.

Beauty sprouted at every oportunity. with past hard work and tough lessons lurking not far behind. Taking the down turn, the more modern farms rose from the lower layers as the start point came into view after nearly three hours of testing walking. There´s plenty of variations to lure me back, and more memories to revive as the lower slopes spread into Guimar.

Going With The Flow On Chio Lava Trail

Mount Teide was not the only volcanic peak trying to catch the eyes of walkers in the Tenerife municipality of Guia de Isora. The aftermath of 1909´s youngest eruption on the island had scorched a series of tracks as nature added plants and trees to the landscape. Just a few yards in and the scale and beauty of the walk ahead became clear.

After parking on the TF38 hard shoulder opposite a wide flat path past a locked barrier ensuring foot only access, there were several choices of direction and length. The ground crunched underfoot as we entered the canopy of green leaves with clear blue skies and tantalising glimpses of towering rock formations. There was a good scattering of people enjoying the challenge, with an international  range of voices. For me it was a return to a walk I first did over 10 years ag0 – a mere blink of the eye by natures measure.

There was no skimping on the variety of the walk, it seemed that every flat clearing offered multiple choices of up, down, steep, flat, or open air options. I always praise the upkeep of the walks around Tenerife, this one must make severe demands on its protectors, and they had it all on top form without watering down the raw assault of pleasures. Signs kept walkers informed while reinforcing the respect needed to ensure all age groups could be safe and delighted at the same time. Fallen or damaged trees also had their part to play, blending in to contrast the strong survivors.

As the trees thinned out, more sneak previews of the main lava flow came into view. The last eruption in Tenerife was in 1909 down to Chinyero, before it was halted by a statue of the virgin that was placed in its path – and hailed as a miracle. It didn´t stop the trees from marching defiantly through the flow, a sight that can observed amid the annual almond blossom walks in Santiago del Teide, late February into March. The back leg of this Chio walk offered a reverse look at the solid lava, it looks stunning from any direction.

This circular Chio stroll took three leisurely hours, there are a few natural sheltered rest and food spots and always plenty of treats for the eyes. It´s a classic way to embrace the contrasts of the landscape and not too punishing on the legs – several family groups were walking with young children.



Making Tracks High Above Vilaflor

A few weeks earlier, the threat of wild fires wafted over Vilaflor. Now a short two week hop away from christmas, all was serene and beautiful with a gentle breeze wafting through the air, making my senses tingle with pleasure. Mount Teide had shaken off a recent dusting of snow, and the surrounding fields of vines had begun to give up this years bounty of wine.

Stomping up the steep service road from the top of the village, between the Hotel Spa Vilalba and the football ground, it soon opened out into a wide trail with views down over the tree tops. Sticking to the right is the key when faced with the early choice of directions, and it led past an old white pumping station. From there it was over a well worn path that rose gently to a stunning vista as a carpet of green tree tops swayed gently.

This is a popular route and the paths are well defined even as the odd bit of natures debris intervenes. The descent from the sheer drop over the pine valley winds slowly through shade, even the trunks of the trees have a story to tell. Previous fires have left scorch marks, but nature is resilient and fresh growths were bursting forth.

One of the trickiest sections is the lower descent weaving betwwen trunks over a surface of fine dry needles, but there is no hurry and the updated pumping plant where the open reservoir once sparkled is still the point to aim at. Catching our breath and soaking up the restful surroundings was preparation for the steep trail that winds up and around to the lower end of Vilaflor village.

Even on a perfect weather day, the walk was fairly quiet, we passed a few other walkers but there was always a calm serenity about the setting. Even the yomp back up the main road to our entry point via a local watering hole, was a pleasure with such sights ahead of us.

Fasnia Moves Into A New Lane Of Progress

Two huge spits of rock attract fleeting curiosity half way up the motorway that links Los Cristianos to Santa Cruz – especially recently when they were partly covered. Walking the 6 km descent from Fasnia old town (see previous post) to the coast was tweaking my interest to fever pitch as the tight turns of the modern road revealed my familiar coastal refuelling point for CD Tenerife home games.

A flurry of work in the lower reaches showcased a new botanical garden being installed to admire plants and insects. An all action sculpture of Canarian wrestling made an informative focal point, and nearer the walkway under the motorway, an old water train showed how the life giving liquid was extracted from underground galleries. Preserving the past is high on the agenda with subtle changes being incorporated.


Emerging from the road tunnel, brought views of the black sand granules of Playa del Arico, and Playa Los Roques to rival the two rocky outcrops of Los Roques on the southern side of the cafe restaurants. There is much to stop and admire in this area as most of the traffic roars by unaware of the history of the gems below. Birds were swooping over the rocks, guardians of their colony. There is a small community of fishing families below the eye level of most visitors, and a transformation had just taken place.

The two beaches used to be linked but crumbling rocks and neglect kept the old houses and church hewn into the cliff, largely unoticed. Now it is possible to stroll around the edge of the biggest beach and onto the far beach, following newly concreted paths with wooden stair rails to ensure safe distance from the larger waves. The facelift has made it neater without changing the charm of the area, and a colourful mural from Roberto Rodriguez guides walkers from one gem of a view to another, complete with rock stacks and a small promenade.

The bigger beach is partly protected by rocky guardians but can still be prone to the odd roque wave. A hi tech safety capsule ca be quickly thrown into the sea from its holding post and expands into a flotation device. Perhaps the biggest change of all is about to happen, a new urbanisation of 40,000 square metres is proposed just inland from the beaches. Hopefully it can breathe new life into the area whilst keeping the character and history intact.


A Blessing Of Churches For Fasnia

Was the coast clear? Divinely so as the modern road flexed and wound down towards the eastern aspect of Tenerife. I had the perfect viewing point at the small ermita church on Fasnia mountain.

In my wake I had left the neat historical heart of the municipality with barrancos (ravines) parting the fertile land. Nature had left its mark over the centuries and in recent weeks the wild fires that swept Tenerife had raged too close for comfort. But Fasnia is a place with an eye on the future as well as a deep respect for the past.

Where the quiet back streets intersected, the Ayuntamiento (council) building stood proud opposite an eco agricultural centre. A poster proudly displayed an impressive range of locally grown potatoes, very timely as a potato shortage  was currently gripping the island due to colorado beetles hitching a ride on the small number of imported spuds from Egypt and Israel.

Further down towards the modern church of San Joaquin, a large park, and play area was receiving a blue modern coating to encourage young sports fans. The plaza surrounding the church was also a bustling social area with a bar and outside seating. The local football ground claimed a dynamic vista overlooking the sea in the distance to further enhance the charm.

From my lofty perch at the ermita it looked like a time curtain divided the view to the west as the Arico wind turbines whirred at a frantic pace. My downward gaze prepared me for the 6 km walk I was to undertake towards the coast. My brief visit had shown me solid roots of an established community, but I was soon to find that local pride was making a big splash on the other side of the motorway.