Archive for August, 2024
Every Shade Of Green On Erjos Walk

Picking a path between the high alert summer warnings, and the slow aproach of autumn, I was blessed with a multiple shades of green, and even leaves with a distinct salmon tinge. Erjos on the north west of Tenerife offeres two 11 km strolls. on my latest visit I plumped for the upward path, easy to pick up now as two large new aerials stand out on the high ridge. Starting down at the small plaza, the Tourist Information hut by the old threshing machine was closed up but was adorned with plenty of multi language background information on the wider area. After avoiding the scorching heat of high summer, it was great to back to treading familiar paths on the Monte del Aqua trail.

The almost tunnel vision of the walk opens up at various points to show the green valley below, diversity makes this such a popular route but on this visit there were only a few other walkers around. That doesn´t mean that nothing changes, the seasons adds little tweaks to the landscape, and nature often beckons for a second look at the patterns of the ferns and bushes. The first section of the stroll is fairly even and shaded, but stout shoes will get their chance to prove their worth later.

Some of the buds, berries, and seeds were starting to make me peckish – but that´s a temptation that should be avoided, bring your own nibbles, and take away any wrapping. There´s plenty of resting spots, and the route signs are well maintained. The main trunk of the journey is fairly flat, but with a mountain and ravine involved, you know there will be more testing times at some point. After curling gently, there´s a tight, narrow drop at a main junction, don´t doubt the downward arrow.

The alternative route towards the Los Silos coast delves deep and narrow from Erjos before rising near the final stages, and that side of the ravine contains ancient caves that people used to dwell in. From my steeper begining, I now began to follow more exposed tracks with fine views across to the cave entrances. Los Silos was visible in the sunny distance, ut both routes squeeze the walker into a quicker pace over big angular rocks – probably the most testing part of the Erjos expanse.

Rewarding? You bet it is, and informative as the remains of two ancient barns underline the importance of farming in the history of this land. The run off concrete finish to reach the main road is yet another variation and tests the legs once more. The TITSA bus service has a stop at the entrance/exit of the walk for a 20 minute run up into Icod de Los Vinos, where a good selection of routes await.


Setting Out The Stall For A New CD Tenerife Season

Assess established players, add new signings to the mix, and try to impose your own style and game plans. New coach Oscar Cano´s in tray is brimming over and was not helped by two first half injury departures at home to UD Almeria. There were flickers of hope in the 0-1 home defeat, but coming on the tail of a league opening 2-1 reverse at CD Eldense, it cranked up the anxiety levels for the new boss, whose experience comes from managing in the lower leagues.

Old reliables, Mellot with surging runs from right back, and a typically alert and creative input from Luismi from the other flank, helped to stoke expectations. Only an acrobatic tip over from the visiting kjeeper ensured a blank first half. Almeria are a well backed, free spending club, and expected to be shining at the sharp end of the Segunda by the end of season. The task became a little bit harder with a sending off for Jose Leon after 53 minutes for a last gasp tackle on the last man defender. That pumped up the visitors, and on 64 minutes,  Melamed slotted in the wining goal.

After all conquering sesons from the Tenerife B team,  and the youth squad, many hopes have been expresed for the emergence of home developed talent. David Rodriguez is a prime example, a 24 year old full back, he was on the fringe of the senior squad a couple of years ago, before being loaned out, but he got some valuable time in the second half and impressed. The crowd of 14,383 was a good starting point for the campaign, and even the black clouds sweeping in over the stadium had the decency not to hold their cargo.

With just a few days left of the transfer window, there may be some fine tuning, inevitably its the eye catching players like Mellot and Alexandre whose signatures are most prized. Hopefully new heroes will emerge, Alejandro Cantero got some valuable time in the late stages of the game and the 24 year old former Madrid youth prospect and Levente player showed some promising moves.



High Praise For Icod El Alto

As land marks go, a full size figure of a Guanche warrior makes a striking bus stop. The 1996 sculpture by Carmen Luis Leon harked back to a turbulent past when leaping to certain death was preferred to subserviance to the invading Spanish conquistadores. A brighter and more modern look greeted me on the fringes of Icod de Alto, where seven distinct areas of cultivation and farming were marked by tall masts close to the church.

On a baking hot day, the cool, shade and breezes of north Tenerife were the ideal way to sample a more sedate past and a pride in nature. Bridging the busier municipalities of Icod de Los Vinos, and Los Realejos, a good hourly bus service from TITSA enabled me to rise above the frantic pace of life below on the modern motorway. On this visit there were no present day walkers making the epic hike from the coast and upward to the Corona forest, and the defiant statue shared its focal point with a neglected shelter and a memorium to a hunters loyal dog. But history still seemed to bristle in the air and beckoned me on to Icod El Alto.

The main street of Icod El Alto soon revealed more declarations of pride and a strongly forged partnership with nature. A scattering of bars and cafes mingled in with more well crafted focal points of celebration. Local poet, Antonio Reyes surveyed the scene from his mounted steed, and seemed to show mutual admiration for the more recent graffiti art contribution of Sabotaje El Montaje, a well respected Tenerife filler of large solid canvases.

Neat, compact, and with plenty of community pride, Icod El Alto had surprises at every turn. A multi focus tribute to the well tended plants rode the brow of a hill, and a decorated bus stop for the hourly green public buses, all added to the pleasant distractions.

The dominant figures from all angles were still the masts, but I got the feeling there would be plenty more new touches across future seasons.